Help for Anger Management using Hypnotherapy and Counselling. Online and In-Person in Hampshire

Anger & Stress Management Help

Causes of anger. Control, angry outbursts. Can't control my temper.


What is anger?

Anger is a natural, normal emotion and we all feel angry at times. Problems arise if your anger gets out of control or you don’t handle anger well because excessive anger can affect your physical health and your mental well-being. Some physical problems you experience could include:

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Insomnia

  • Low immunity

  • Colds/Flu

  • Stomach problems

  • Heart disease

Mental health conditions caused by anger can include:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Self Harming

Issues with anger management can also cause problems in your relationships with other people.  This can cause issues at home and/or at work. Often the problem can lead to separation or divorce if the effects on your family are too much. In the workplace, anger issues can hold you back from progressing in your career.  You may find it difficult to work in a team or become unpopular with colleagues. Anger management hypnotherapy or counselling will help you to reduce the likelihood of these issues occurring and improve your overall wellbeing.

What happens when we become angry?

When we become angry we get emotional feelings and physical feelings. We can sometimes find these feelings hard to control or understand. It is when these feelings get out of control that they can cause problems for ourselves and those around us.

For example:

  • Constantly arguing with family members or work colleagues

  • Becoming violent towards others

  • Becoming destructive and breaking or throwing things

  • Getting into trouble due to breaking the law whilst out of control with anger

  • Finding it difficult to express your anger, so bottling up your feelings until you reach ‘breaking point’

How does your anger affect your behaviour?


Do you deal with your anger or stress levels by becoming verbally abusive? Perhaps you take your anger out on others by shouting and threatening them? You may find it difficult to control your anger and then take it out on your partner or children by becoming physically aggressive. Is there something inside of you that seems to be out of your control? Perhaps you resolve your anger by harming yourself? Have you ever just bottled up your feelings of anger until you’ve just ‘exploded’? If your anger is causing you to behave in an unacceptable way that leaves you feeling ashamed and guilty, then we can help you.

How can hypnotherapy help you with your anger issues?

It is only natural to feel angry at times. It becomes a problem when it happens too often or you find your angry outbursts overwhelming you. Hypnotherapy will help you to get to the root cause of your unmanageable anger and help you to feel much calmer and in control. When you feel more relaxed, it is easier to control your anger which helps to relieve stress when you are feeling angry. You will start to notice positive changes quite quickly.

During your therapy sessions with us, we will support you in discovering the underlying cause of your anger. Your sessions will be in complete confidence. We will work with you at a conscious and subconscious level using relaxing hypnosis techniques as this is the most effective way to change your behaviour as quickly as possible.

We really do understand and we’re here to help you. The first step is to admit that your anger is causing you problems. Then just pick up the phone and call us on 0800 970 4776 or 07946 641270. We can have a chat and you can book your free initial consultation. We can explain the therapy to you and you can ask any questions you may have. Suggestions given by your therapist during your sessions will help you to remain calm and in control in situations where you have previously become angry.


For more help and information regarding counselling for stress and anger issues, visit our dedicated Counselling website here.

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