Counselling, Psychotherapy, EMDR and CBT Therapy in Hampshire

Counselling. Psychotherapy, EMDR and CBT Therapy

Counselling is a type of therapy that is used to help people combat a variety of issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems and grief. It can be used to help people develop their coping skills and encourage them to make positive changes in their lives.

Counselling is a useful tool for anyone struggling with difficult life situations. It can be particularly beneficial for people who are experiencing:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Relationship problems

  • Grief

  • Trauma

  • Substance abuse

  • Eating disorders

  • Self-harm

  • Life transitions

Counselling can help people in a variety of ways:

  • It offers a safe and supportive environment in which to talk about difficult issues

  • It helps people to understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours

  • It teaches people coping skills

  • It enables people to formulate a plan for making positive changes in their lives

  • It promotes a sense of self-awareness and growth

What issues can counselling and CBT help with?

If you are thinking about seeking counselling, it is imperative you find a counsellor who is a good fit for you. It is important that you feel comfortable with your counsellor and confident that they are able to help you. There are many different types of counselling available, so it is important that you find a counsellor who specialises in the issue with which you are struggling.

If you are dealing with difficult life situations, counselling can be a very effective tool to help you, enabling you to make positive changes in your life. If you are thinking about counselling, we would encourage you to reach out to us and get started on your journey towards healing and growth. 

There are many benefits to counselling:

Counselling enables people to improve their mental health by giving them a safe space in which they can discuss their problems, learn coping skills and develop a plan to help them to bring positive changes into their lives. 

The listening and communication skills learned through counselling enable people to improve their relationships and go on to communicate more effectively, resolve conflict and build trust with the people in their lives.

Counselling leads to an improvement in self-esteem as it helps people to understand their strengths and weaknesses, develop a positive self-image and to set and achieve goals.  

Counselling enables people to improve their quality of life by learning skills which help them to cope with difficult life situations, manage stress and make positive changes in their lives. 

How can I change my mental state? Is CBT the most common therapy? Is CBT Humanistic?


CBT is cognitive behavioural therapy. It is a kind of therapy that enables people to identify and alter the negative thoughts and behaviours which are contributing to their problems. CBT is a short-term, good goal-orientated therapy which can be very effective for a variety of problems. These include anxiety, depression and relationship problems. 

CBT is based on the idea that the way in which we think about a situation affects how we feel and behave. By adjusting the way we think, we can change the way we feel and react in a positive way. CBT is a structured, goal-orientated and time-limited form of therapy that is usually conducted in a one-on-one setting with a trained therapist.

Does EMDR always work? Is EMDR evidence based? Is EMDR trauma-focused?


Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally developed to help people recover from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These days, it is used to treat a wide variety of other conditions. These include anxiety, depression and relationship problems. EMDR therapy works by helping you to process traumatic memories in a safe and controlled way. 

EMDR therapy is considered to be a safe and effective treatment for a number of conditions. It should be noted that EMDR therapy is not a quick fix. It usually takes a number of sessions to complete EMDR therapy, and the patient could experience some discomfort during the process. However, it is important to note that the benefits of EMDR therapy can be life-changing. 

What conditions can psychotherapy help with?


Psychotherapy works by enabling you to recognise and alter the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours that contribute to your problems. Psychotherapy is a team effort for you and your therapist, and it can take time and effort before you see results. 

Psychotherapy can enable you to begin to understand yourself better. You will be encouraged to alter any negative thoughts and behaviours that have become ingrained. You will be taught strategies to manage your stress and anxiety and deal with any difficult life situations you find yourself in. These positive changes in your life will filter outward and lead to an improvement in your relationships, both at work and at home. 

Psychotherapy is recognised as a safe and effective way to improve your mental health. If you are struggling with a mental health issue, please pick up the phone and give us a call, and let us help you on your path to the life you both want and deserve.