“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.” –
Sakyong Mipham

Examples of mindfulness.  How can I practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness Courses for individuals and groups

Are you experiencing difficulties in managing stressful situations at home or in your workplace? Do you fear Monday mornings and having to go back to work because you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope?  Do you find it difficult to ‘switch off’ and relax? Perhaps you are suffering from anxiety or depression brought on by struggles at work?

Our Mindfulness course is a self-management programme which will help you to relieve your anxiety and stressful feelings. You will remain calm in situations which currently fear or overwhelm you.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness helps you to focus on being more aware of the present moment so that you can live life to the full.  As you become more Mindful, you will notice that you respond more calmly and effectively in situations and circumstances where previously you would have reacted without thinking.

The practice of Mindfulness will help you to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and sensations in your body as they change.  Your stress levels will lower and you will find it so much easier to cope day to day. With continued practice, you will find you experience greater self-awareness.  This will enable you to become far more resilient and accepting. You will notice that you feel happier and more energised.  You will respond to difficult emotions and situations more calmly.

What can I do to become more mindful? How can mindfulness improve my life?